Oct 20, 2006

This Girl Needs A Nap

This week was one of those weeks where there was just a little too much on the calendar and not enough of me to go around. I know that many of you out there know exactly what I mean. It all makes sense on my planner, but when put into action it is exhausting. First of all, my son Seth had a project due on Monday, so Sunday was full of finishing last minute details of his puppet and report he was assigned. Monday was getting my house somewhat put together for upcoming Bunco. Why a woman would start cleaning on Monday when her party is on Thursday is beyond me? My family has a way of undoing everything in one evening. Tuesday, I had a friend over for coffee and that was a great 2 hours of relaxing and chatting. Oh, did I tell you my month of "no coffee and cokes" ended last weekend? I celebrated with a new coffee maker which I love. (By the way, it wasn't the coffee and cokes keeping me from losing weight). Tuesday nights are always busy since both girls have dance and I am chauffeuring from about 4:15-7:15. Wednesday morning I helped in the library at school, then I went to watch my son perform his report at 2:00, had weekly youth group at my house that night, and then cleaned up for Thursday morning bible study. Thursday was bible study, make homemade chili, make homemade cornbread, make homemade apple crisp, make veggie tray, clean house, pick up kids, kiss kids hi and say bye as daddy takes them away from the madness, enjoy a great night of visiting and meeting new neighbors at bunco, clean up from bunco, kiss kids hi again on returning, thank hubby for taking kids away for 4 hrs, make sure kids finish homework, help pack lunches, lay out clothes so we can sleep in a couple of more minutes Friday, hit the pillow at 10:30pm, and last, but not least, Thank God that I survived the day. It has been a fun week, but I promised hubby that anymore activities at the house must happen during the day. Most importantly, while he is at work! I hope everyone has a great weekend! It feels like fall here this morning, so I am off for a walk in this frigid weather (62 degrees is definitely frigid for Corpus). Be Blessed!


Barb said...

Good grief! You DO need a nap. What a week. But I remember how my weekly calendar used to get the better of me, too. I soooo appreciate the easy weeks I have now.

OK, you made my day. I suggested chili and apple crisp for bunco and you made them! I'll bet the were a big hit - both are just perfect for this time of year.

OK, I got so tired reading about your week, I'm going to go take a little nap. :-)

Anonymous said...

My, but you have been busy! Who wouldn't need a nap after a week like that? Hope your weekend is restful and blessed!

Julie said...

First of all, let me just come right out and say that I am jealous of your frigid weather. *smile* . It is still 90 degrees here.

Second of all, I am SO sorry that you went an entire MONTH without coffee and pop (sorry, that's what it's really called...) and lost no weight. How frustrating! You weren't replacing the coffee with ,say, twinkies...were you?

Third of all, I am exhausted after reading all about your week so now I'm going to go take a nap.

The Glow Girls said...

I'm with you, girlfriend. I'm still going. I so need a nap. I think the only time I actually sat down was while visiting with you. Go figure. Happy resting this weekend. I will try to do the same.