Feb 17, 2008

Reality Check

My husband as you may know is the worship media pastor at Parkway Church. That means he always leaves at the wee hours of the morning for practice and two services on Sunday mornings. That also means that we rarely talk on Sundays until after the service at about noon. Well, today I left for church with the house a mess, literally dishes filling the sink and puppy chew toys scattered everywhere.

When I finally met up with Skip after church in his office today, he was standing with our interim pastor hanging out and talking. Michael said, "Did you tell her?" Skip said, "Oh honey, Michael and his family are going to come over for lunch today. I know I forgot to tell you, so we will just order some pizza, okay?" I really tried to act natural, and nice, and hospitable, and all that jazz, but I could have died. I knew the shape of my house, and I knew that this was our friends first time over. They came right over, and everything turned out fine, but I was so dissappointed that I didn't have a chance to present my best for them. I always feel like because I stay home that I should have my cleaning act together. It is almost impossible now that I home school to EVER have anything together.

This whole situation reminds me of how often people think that before they can come to Christ that they somehow have to have their lives together. Isn't that the whole reason we need a Saviour is because we can't measure up on our own? Praise God that He doesn't want perfection. He just wants our belief and trust in Him. I asked God today to forgive me for being so worried about appearances, and to trust that God would let others see beyond the clutter and straight into my heart.

*Just a side note: I don't think Skip will forget to give me a little more notice next time. The horror in my eyes definitely left an unforgettable impression.


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

that is funny!

I once was invited by the pastor to come and eat at thier house after church and laughed so hard when he said, you guys want to come. What he doesn't know is that his wife, a good friend of mine, just told me how she looked forward to going home and putting her feet up! we decided to go out to eat instead. LOL!

Stephani said...

I completely and totally understand. Why is it that when people want to stop by that usually is when you have decided to just let it slide this once. Thanks for the motivation. I am off to do my dishes and vacumn. LOL! LOL! LOL!

DA Wagners said...

Great devotional! Thank God we do not need everything together. God thinks we are beautiful as long as we are faithful and yielding to Him!

Anonymous said...

Since my son was 3 months old we have had a cleaning lady. Pastor Bil gave us the idea, it has kept us sane and happy. Even if you are a stay home mom, you are a full time teacher to 3 kids.

Christina Ketchum said...

I bet it made your friends more comfortable knowing that you are as imperfect as them!

Julie said...

Well, Susie, bless your heart for just tossing caution to the wind and having your new friends over anyway. Cuz really, nobody cares what our houses look like.

Although I TOTALLY understand about the house NEVER being clean when you home school. Emily typically has 14 areas messed up at any given moment.


Kelly said...

What a great application! This is so true--we put life on hold until "we get it together."

Val said...

This is great! So real! I enjoyed this and will be back. Have you checked out flylady.net?
She does help.

annieology said...


You're so fun, I've been lousy keeping up with your blog and mine as well, Roland reminded me today because he said he wanted to go to Bictoria, I didn't even know he knew it existed. I'm glad to be able to catch up so thoroughly. Love and miss you.
p.s. my house is always a mess until bedtime, the tooth fairy and Santa are the only ones who see it cleaned, and watch it or that beagle will get fat like mine.