Nov 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Blessings

Where do I even start? This year has been so full of blessings! Even though this year has had some major struggles along the way, I can honestly say without hesitation that I am thankful for it all. God's presence has never been felt more, and never have I been led so strongly to obey Him. Above all, I have come to a deeper understanding of God's Word where the Holy Spirit is concerned, and how to realize the power that it can hold in my daily life.

Just to name a few of the top blessings that have amazed me this year:

*My love for my husband has grown deeper and stronger with each passing day. I have loved him for 20 years, but I am still falling IN LOVE with him.

*My brother has rededicated his life to the Lord in a way that has completely changed his life and his childrens' lives for eternity.

*My church has had so many salvations, baptisms, and life change throughout this year, and I got a front row seat in seeing it occur. To God be the glory for it all!

*An abundance of new friendships. I have been blessed with so many wonderful, dear friends through the years, but especially this year. God knew I needed them so much.

*Our family has found contentment and peace that we've prayed to find. I know that seasons and circumstances can rapidly change, but I am grateful beyond measure for what we have right now.

My hope is that each of you can take time to reflect on God's goodness and thank Him for all you have been given. I would love to know how God has blessed you most this year. Happy Thanksgiving friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have a lot to be thankful for! I am thankful because I am moving up there in a few months! Wahoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!