Oct 14, 2007

Dallas Cowboy Sunday Review

It was awesome!!! I'm not talking about the game in which they lost this afternoon, but I'm referring to Dallas Cowboy Sunday at Parkway Church today. With the lights down low, the drummer started worship with a little rendition of "We will, we will, rock you..." Probably three quarters of the congregation in both services were dressed in their favorite NFL or College team jerseys and t-shirts. Some of the truly devoted fans even did a little face painting. Skip led us in getting as pumped about Jesus as we do while watching our favorite team play. I heard later that a couple or two walked out of service at the thought of singing that kind of song at church. I guess that it's okay to sing along at a game, but there is something too sacred about a church doing such a thing. They should have stayed for ten seconds longer because the worship band led right into "Come, Now is the Time to Worship." Everyone was on their feet singing praises to God in the most beautiful chorus of voices. Do you know that as a new person(most likely a lost person) visiting our church for the first time, they may have felt at ease coming in and hearing a familiar tune? Skip worked all week on some wonderfully edited clips from months ago when he visited the Dallas Cowboy training camp, and Pastor Les did an excellent job of teaching about being committed in our walk with God. Overall the weekend was a huge success, and we give all the praise to our Lord. Driving home today, I couldn't stop thinking about those few people walking out of church. These were our members, and they are already saved. Have we forgotten about the next generation and doing whatever it takes to reach them? Everything that our staff did this weekend was prayed over, done in a godly way, and with much thought for the lost. Coming out of service, there was an excitement and a desire to invite neighbors and friends to come share in what God's doing at Parkway church. Shouldn't you always leave church with a passion to know more and to tell others the good news? I think so and THAT HAPPENED TODAY!


Ruth said...

I'm so glad that you all had such an awesome service today!

The Glow Girls said...

That way more then cool!!!! I'm so excited all that took place. God is awesome and regardless of the Dallas cowboys losing I know there were lives won for Christ today and that all should matter. I'm going to have to come see what all is going on. Jeff and I totally miss hearing Skip shout for God with his singing. THere is nothing like Him in our book!!!!

SunJane said...

Maybe the few that walked out were actually muttering "I can't believe I forgot to set the Tivo/VCR/DVR..!"
There's plenty of traditional churches to welcome the leavers for a more comfortable traditional zone. Cornelio did a great job of illustrating today that "If I use my hands to hold on to longstanding traditions and customs, then I can't use them to hold on to the our next generation." It was so on target. I love his futuresight.
Skip has it too and you're on the right track. Men will come and families will be changed.

Denise said...

I'm sorry that happened. Sometimes 'church people' hurt others the most. I believe what God means for good the devil means for evil. Being on a church staff myself, it's sometimes hard to believe how fellow believers react. It sounds like ya'll had a great day!

Ms. Kathleen said...

I so agree...Reaching the lost for Christ is first and foremost. Religiousness can crush and destroy.

We do a few "off the mark" things in our church from time to time and our church is growing I think because of it. We aren't afraid to stretch ourselves, to get out of the box!

Praise God for pastors who don't live in boxes. The church is "out there" in the unknown.

Time to bring in the Harvest! Whoohoo!

Go Cowboys!

Shawna said...

Susie, that sounds like so much fun! It can be a bit discouraging to work so hard on something with such good intentions and then hear about someone not being happy with it. They need to work that out with God. As long as Skip did as he was led, then he did the right thing.

What people need to realize is that it is perfectly acceptable to have FUN in church. We are told to fellowship with one another, and what better way to fellowship than to lift up the name of Jesus?

I am glad the weekend was a success.