This is my range of emotions right now. I am so excited that in two days I am moving to my new home to be with my hubby. On the other hand I am scared, nervous and sad to leave what has been my home for the last 8 and a half years. I have spent some quality time with a few of my friends here the last couple of days, and it really hit me that I'm leaving.
Skip has found a rent house for us in a great neighborhood, and we were given such a wonderful gift to help us the first few months. The house is smaller and older, but it will be just perfect for us for the next year. I have learned so much about being content over the past six months since Skip began his new position that I know God will provide us with all that I need. We will keep our house on the market and pray it sells quickly. I wish I could share with you all the wonderful memories I have in Corpus, but I am crying so badly just typing this sentence I know I couldn't even get through it. My friends I am leaving behind, I will miss you so much. You have to come and visit me! I know of some great downtown restaurants, antique stores and coffee shops I would love to take you too.
We are basically taking everything with us because we don't want to move twice. I know a lot of people say an empty house doesn't sell as well as a furnished one, but since our house is only two and a half years old, most of our competition is new homes. Let's pray that this faith step of moving forward will be the best choice ever. Our God is so good, and I'm continuing to believe the best for our situation. I want to lift up in prayer my next door neighbor (whose name is also Susie) who has a house in New Mexico that has not sold, and my neighbor Janet, whose husband is already working in Dallas and has not sold her house. And I could not forget sweet Linda at Middle Years and Laurel Wreath, who are both in a similiar situation.
I know mixed emoitions are tuff. I"m right there with you. But I know that I will visit you often and stay in touch through phone and email. I love you and I have cherished our friendship and coffee times. We will have to make new ones in Victoria.
Thank you sweet friend, but I know when the Lord closes a door he is opening new and exciting things....your house will sell I know it. It will just be in God's timing.
Praying for your move.
I am going to miss you, Susie! You have blessed me more than you know. You have to keep me posted on all the wonderful things God is doing in Victoria!
Ooooo! I missed something! I didn't realize you were still moving once that first rent house sold. I am excited that your family will be all together again. I know it's hard to leave, though. Blessings to you over the next few weeks!!
I just want to encorage you. Our realtor (who has been voted the best in our metro by other realtors more than any other) "staged" our home for us and we still never had any interest until literally the day after we moved and left it empty. So whatever "they" say doesn't always apply when God has a plan. :) Wishing the best for you as God prepares to reward your faith.
You're so funny apologizing on my blog for not stopping by sooner when you are the one in limbo not me.
I am praying for you-I just know your journey is almost over, hang in there. God will move now that you guys are officially walking by faith. Not that you weren't before but leaving your house when it hasn't sold is a faith in action step to me.
I'm so glad your family is going to be together, Susie. God does and will provide.
Though I don't comment around the blog world as much I'm still reading, and I wanted you to know I'm still praying, and open each post hoping that it's "the one" that says SOLD.
I'm so happy to hear you're moving home finally, I know it's desperately needed for your family!
Continuing in prayer for you all!
Hey girl! I will miss you :) You let me know when we can have our first casa ole date :)
It is one of those bitter-sweet moments Susie. I can remember walking through the rooms of the house we left in NY and feeling so very sad. I can't imagine what it will be like to say goodby to this home we've lived in for 24 years.
However, I am so happy that you and Skip are going to be together. I pray daily that your home will sell quickly.
Thank you so much for mentioning us. You are so very dear. I pray all goes very smoothly with the move. God has great things in store - I know He does!
Susie, you are not only one of my closest friends, but you have been such a terrific mentor as well! I have truly been blessed by having you to share life with, and nothing will change that...even an hour and a half drive ;) Looking forward to making new memories with you in Victoria! Love ya,
How sad but exciting! Life sure is interesting!
Hooray for you, Susie! I know you are really going through a lot of emotions right now, but I am happy that your family will get to be together.
I hope and pray all goes smoothly for you through the big move.
Sweet friend, I do completely understand. I wish I had some great words of wisdom, but all I can think about is in 10 months (that's how far out we are from our move from Dallas) things will look and feel so different. Some days in a very good way, and some days not so much.
I will be praying for a very smooth transition and for you and your wonderful family.
I pray this transition with your family is peaceful. Most importantly, you will be back with your husband and God WILL sell your house. You're in my prayers.
You guys have been such a blessing to us. I can't even fathom how many lives that you have influenced with God's love! Thanks for being such a shining role-model for me! Visit often!!!
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