May 12, 2008

One Week of True Joy

I've been back for exactly one week, and I have had a continuous smile on my face. I know that the joy has a lot to do with reconnecting with my friends, but it also has a lot to do with feeling like I'm home again. I loved growing up in Victoria, but Corpus is where Skip and I became a real independent family. We love and miss our families already, but I know our friends will be our family here. God has provided us with such a great new church, and I already see Skip rockin' and rollin' in his new position.

If you don't see me around much, I have some life to experience. We have started home schooling after a two week break, there is a beach 15 minutes away calling my name, and I still have about 10 boxes to unpack with absolutely no place to put everything. Have a fabulous week everyone!


Donnetta said...

It sounds like things are settling quite nicely for you! Rejoicing with you in positive and good changes!

BrittenRoost said...

Glad to hear you are settling into your new "temp" home. I've been faithfully reading your blog daily for over a year and enjoy your honesty and trust in God. We don't know each other...I found your blog by God's direction. I just wanted to say thanks for your thoughts. Your words have ministered to me.

Katie Jean Britten
Little Blue Bungalow

The Glow Girls said...

It makes me smile to see you enjoying Life! I was wondering when school was back in session. Don't worry, your kids are smart and will ace through anything this year and come out so much independent and smarter because you taught them. Becoming and independent family? Is that what I"m about to move into? Yes, and I can't wait. But can I take my girlfriends with me?
Talk to you soon.

Barb said...

You sound so happy Susie. I know how great it must feel to be back and you're actually a lot more settled in a week than most people would be.

That little mention of the beach being only 15 minutes away made me a little jealous. But I'll get over it. Sort of. :-)

The photos from the baby shower are great!