Nov 11, 2009

No One Can Do It All- So Quit Trying

Doing for others before doing for myself is a common mommy fault of mine. I would totally fail the airplane protocol of putting the breathing mask on yourself before helping someone next to you. I'm sure I'm not the only one who disappoints themselves before inconveniencing others, but I know that this mindset will have to change as I take on more responsibility in the future.

Just this week I missed my Annie's puppet presentation at school because I was staying home with my sick son. I have plenty of friends who would have gladly popped in so I could have gone, but I wouldn't dare bother them with such a thing. Besides, he did have the flu. Germs-Ahhhh! Thankfully over the last several years I have come to realize that my husband, who works full time is happy to be more involved in taking over some roles when I will release him to do so. My first thought is always, "I'll go to this meeting since he has already worked all day and needs to rest." Or I'll say, "I don't need to go to this function or event. My time at home is more important." In the process of doing this over and over, you really deprive yourself of a much needed break and your spouse of his duties and privileges as a father. Skip went to the puppet show and had such a fun time. Also there was some technical difficulties with the recordings and a dvd player, and since Skip is Mr. Media, he was able to save the day (or at least one kid's puppet performance).

This weekend I am going to the Women of Faith Conference in Houston, Texas with many of my relatives and a few friends. I had so many reasons not to go: Seth is just recovering from being sick, what if the other kids get sick, we really don't have extra money for me to spend, and the list goes on and on. However, this is something I need to do for me. I lead bible studies in my church, I am taking on the Women's Coordinator role for our church womens ministry, and I'm a pastor's wife. There needs to be some time when I soak in the wisdom of godly women to fill me up so I can then give to others. Selfishly I am also desiring a fresh, new word for what God wants to do in the hearts of our Real Life Women for the year 2010. Somehow just knowing that so many women are going to be gathered together singing God's praises and encouraging one another, gives me reason to believe I will receive this gift.

And while this mama is away, my husband and children are going to have a blast. He is already planning what they are going to do which will include a lot of movies, eating junk food and laughing. It won't include structure, bedtimes, or cleaning-this I know for sure:) Isn't God good to give me such an opposite of myself to balance out our children.

Friends, is there too many plates spinning? Are you taking time for yourself? Even better than that, spending time at the feet of Jesus? Giving him all your struggles, all your obligations and asking Him to help you first and foremost before you go to anyone else, is the key. Let's learn this lesson together and see all that God is going to do to give us a peace in this crazy place called Life.

Psalm 55:22 "Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."


Sande said...

So want to discern what is better than good and stick to that for a while. Definitely need some margin in my life.

Christina Ketchum said...

Good for you!

Amanda said...

Catching this late..but so glad you had a refreshing time!

Dionna said...

I enjoyed stopping by your blog today. You know - I am looking for a new volunteer writer to my ministry - I need someone to write for my "Free to Be..." column every other month. Would you be interested? This is just a column focusing on our beauty/self esteem.
Email me at madetomom(at) - I'd love to have you join my team. :)