Jan 18, 2010

How to Make New Friends???

Me and one of my BFF's Tiffany

Hey girls, are you having difficulty making new friends, or better yet Godly friends who share similar beliefs and morals? I think often times we think it should just happen as we continue to stay at home and do nothing. I thought it would be fun to share ways I have made new friendships over the last couple of years, and even more recently, the last two weeks. Here are my ideas, and I would love to hear yours too. All of us can experience loneliness at times, and may need a refresher course in, Friendship 101.

1. Be nice. Smile. Yes, sometimes it is that simple. Also, when I met someone and then run into them more than once after that...I hug them! Yes, I do. If they shy away, I give them more time. However, I believe that we don't hug enough. Sometimes, it is the only hug a girl may get throughout the day.

2. Begin attending church, but don't just stop there. Join a ministry. Some of the dearest, sweetest friends I've met this past year are serving with me in our children's ministry.

2. Use Facebook and Twitter. You not only connect with old friends, but you can get to know new people better by chatting, encouraging, praying for and sometimes attending events together.

3. Be open to meet and talk to new people. I started exercising at a nearby Zumba studio a little over two weeks ago, and since then I have met some precious women who share a love of getting back into shape and dancing. It is like another little family there. Maybe a bible study, MOPs group, or a play group is more your style. No matter what you choose, be friendly and interested when you get there. Most people are not as cliquish as you think, and could always use another friends.

4. Go places. It is amazing how when you get out, you meet people.

5. Organize get togethers. I love connecting women to one another through large events. We had a women's chick flick/lunch this month, and we are now going to make it a regular monthly thing. The girls each met new people, and look forward to our next gathering. I am also looking forward to attending a Zumba praise and worship night at my exercise studio next month. Just set things up and invite. So simple. You may ask, "What if no ones comes?" I guess in that case you may need to re-evaluate what you are doing. Cost? Opportunities to have fun? Can they bring a friend? Lots of things come into play when people are afraid of new meetings.

6. Don't wait to be invited over for dinner or a game night. You have it! It doesn't take much to order pizza and make a call to friends. If there is a few girls you have clicked with, have them over for coffee and dessert. Keep it simple, and believe me, it will mean the world to them.

Let's hear your best ideas for finding new friends!


Susan said...

Wonderful ideas. Just be friendly and show you care. Most people are literally starved for friendship and if you just step out first they will respond. Part of the trouble is everyone is waiting for "someone ELSE" to make the move.

Robin said...

Seriously, girl, we better meet in real life some day, but until then I am glad I can still call you friend!

Amanda said...

The biggest thing God has taught me about friendship is that I have to be a friend to have one.

I have to invite people, call people, send the email, step out of my comfort zone and engage even when I am not sure the other person will actually reciprocate.