Jun 14, 2008

My Two Favorite Men

This picture was taken several years ago, but I'm so glad I found it. These two wonderful men are so important to me, and I thank God everyday for them. On the left is my daddy. He and I didn't really start our father daughter relationship until I was in my twenties, but he is the most gracious, caring, smart and godly man I know. The way he has poured his life into his family over the last 20 years of his life has more than made up for a few rough patches we may have had while I was growing up. He didn't know the Lord then, but when he finally trusted in Christ, I have never seen such a beautiful change. He is the one I call when I have a spiritual question or I need advice on something, and he is the one I know will pray for me at a moment's notice. He loves the Lord so much and I am so proud of the man he is today. Happy Father's Day Daddy!

If you have ever read a single post I've done then you definitely know the other guy. The love of my life, Skip. He is by far the Best Dad EVER! He has so many wonderful qualities as a father and don't even get me started about how he shows his love for me. I would make you want to
puke for sure with my flattery. If you happen to ask my kids who their favorite parent is they would not hesitate to say Skip. He is the fun parent. I try my best, and it doesn't even matter that I spend almost every waking moment with them showing my love. He cooks better, he wrestles better, he's funnier, he hugs better, he's smarter, he's cooler, he tells way better stories. These are actually things they have told me. They always throw in "No offense mom, but dad is so much better at ..." Guess what? It doesn't bother me one bit. I LOVE how much they love him. I wouldn't have it any other way. I can remember when Skip and I were dating and I saw the way he wasn't afraid to pick up a baby and play a silly game with him or her. He would often help me babysit my niece and nephew and I knew that he would make a fantastic dad someday. He did, and he is still is! This weekend at church Skip is singing the Toby Keith song, "Love Me If You Can" to help wrap up our Generations Series on the role of the older man. It was such a beautiful father's day song, and the words that he sang were so fitting. If you want to hear Toby Keith's song on youtube, go here. Happy Father's Day Skip! We love you so much!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Happy Father's Day to your Skip and to your father, Susie.