Apr 30, 2008
Eat Your Heart Out Skip!

Apr 29, 2008
A Fun Giveaway I Had to Share With You
Right now 4 Reluctant Entertainers is hosting a great giveaway. Go here to hear the details and enter yourself. Even if you don't win, you will be blessed by all the wonderful ideas and inspiration you will find on this site.
Apr 28, 2008
This Picture Sums it Up for Me

Here is the latest on the house/move situation. Over this last week Skip and I both have had the strongest uneasiness about the house we have put under contract. It is a cute house, a good school district for Ashley, and an okay street and neighborhood. However, both of us feel a pit in our stomachs whenever we would talk about it. If it was just me I might figure it was indigestion or something, but both of us feel that having two homes right now is just not smart moneywise for our current situation. We also found out that we would have to live in it for one year by law with the kind of loan we are doing. We can't commit to that because we are supposed to move back into our other home in January. Ugghhh!
Needless to say, I have spent most of the day in prayer and searching scripture for direction on what God would have us do. My options could be renting an apartment for 9 months, renting a home(if someone would be willing to lease for only 9 months), finding a townhouse, or running away to a cabin in Colorado(just kidding-kind of). At this point there are so many possibilities, my head hurts. This is where I wish I was 15 years old and my dad would say, "Honey, you need to......" and I would do it. In the midst of all of this, I still need to consider options for Ashley and high school. I don't know why but I felt God all weekend remind me of a Christian high school I hadn't thought about previously. I even dreamed about it Saturday night. I have no idea if it is something we could afford, but maybe if we choose a less expensive housing option, it may be possible. Sorry if I am boring you guys, but this is what I am focusing on right now. I love that God may be preventing us from making the wrong moves, therefore I am going to trust that this path will become clearer in the next few days. We would really like to move somewhere within the first week of May. Please keep us in your prayers!
Apr 27, 2008
Weekend in Review
-went to Corpus to see my hubby
-traded in a vehicle for another vehicle and paid off a vehicle. No car payments, finally!
-Coffee with Tiff at Barnes and Noble (even though I had a frozen strawberry/lemonade drink)
-Spent the entire day reconsidering where we are going to live in Corpus (We just aren't feeling 100% sure about buying a second home in this crazy market)
-Checked out a possible high school for Ashley
-Annie made us all laugh when she said, "Daddy, I'm want Chinese food for lunch. I'm hungry for an enchilada, rice and beans." That is so Annie.
-Used a half a tank of gas looking at possible housing options in case we don't go for the Flour Bluff home
-The kids spent almost the entire day swimming at the hotel we were staying at with Skip
-I finally had my first visit to our new church Saturday night. The message was an update on all that is happening at all the different campuses and a look at all the lives changing by what God is doing there. It was perfect message for me to get an understanding of what Real Life Fellowship is all about.
-We had dinner with some great friends of ours and the pastor's family at a fun pizza place. Our kids had a wonderful time making new friends.
-Woke up early and drove back to Victoria
-Picked up Triscuit
-Let Triscuit attack us for ten minutes with kisses. She really missed us a lot! I don't know who was happier-Triscuit or Skip's parents who babysat her for 3 and a half days. Thanks Otto and Linda for giving us puppy freedom!
-Skip just arrived home from a very long week and is sound asleep. I'm off to see what I can get him to cook me for dinner tonight.
Have a great week everyone!
Apr 23, 2008
Thankful Thursday-Truth

Apr 22, 2008
"5 on 5" Meme

A Dove Morning With a Side of Triscuit

Apr 19, 2008
Shhh! Don't Tell Skip

Apr 17, 2008
Reflecting on Today
When I returned from the hospital we found out the loan process isn't going as well as we hoped and we will now be putting more money down than we had hoped. Everything had been running so smoothly, so this really took me a little by surprise. I am so ready to get my family together and I don't want any more setbacks. It's funny because just when I was thinking I would do a few things for the home (rugs, curtains, etc.), we find out that we won't be having those extras. I don't care about those things much, but I was finding myself dreaming about them instead of spending more time in prayer and thanksgiving for what God has been doing in our lives.
After starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the two above mentioned things, I started to get a little anxious. Instead of throwing a pity party (which has happened in my past many times), I went out in my backyard and sat on the deck to have some much needed prayer time. I laid it out with God and told him everything I was feeling and everything I was scared about. It was such a beautiful thing and I literally felt songs of praise on my lips. I'm sure the neighbors would have heard me singing, if it were not for the wind blowing so hard. It felt like a hurricane minus the rain and danger. God's presence was all around me and I know everything is going to be fine. Though I don't know the rest of our earthly story, I do know the end of my story in Christ. And it is going to be a HAPPY ONE.
"You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy." John 16:20
Need a Good Deal-Any ideas?
Since I have you here, what kind of window treatment would you do for the girl's room to go with this? There is only one large window in the room. Maybe black/white alternate sheers? I haven't got a clue.
Apr 15, 2008
Getaway, New Home, New Cut, and a Very Lazy Dog
Anyway, here is a picture of my soon to be place of residence for the next 8 months.

Apr 14, 2008
It's the Final Countdown
We are in the final stages of getting our new home. I think we will probably only live there until Jan. when our old home's lease is up. Our previous home was bigger and has a fourth bedroom. The house we are currently buying will make a great rental, but it only has 3 bedrooms. I had to do a little bit of bribing to get my oldest Ashley to share a room with his little sister for 8 months. This is what I used to get her to see things my way. Okay, I also used this lamp but with a black shade and this throw. Hey, at least it was all on sale last week. Ashley is going old hollywood with this room. We are going to look for lots of black and white pics or make our own. She is going to pass down all her old beach Hawaiin decor to Annie when Annie gets her own room again. Luckily Seth could care less about his room. However we did promise him a keyboard when we move. We are giving our piano to Skip's brother because we don't have room for it, and it belongs to Skip's parents. Seth loves the piano, and we hate the banging, so with a keyboard he can play for hours in his room WITH HEADPHONES. Eventually we do want another piano, but this baby just doesn't fit the budget.
My week will be filled with more packing, a little getaway with the hubby tonight in Corpus, and more packing. I also want to go see my Popi who is getting better each day. He is still in ICU but getting stronger everyday. Thanks for your prayers.
Oh, very important news! Our former church Parkway voted in a new pastor last night. Mike Hurt is an awesome man of God, and I can't wait to see all the great things God has in store for everyone there. Congrats Mike and Kristi! We love you guys!
*One More Thing* I just received an email from some dear friends in need of prayer. Please go here and pray for Will.
Apr 11, 2008
Speaking of Haircuts

Apr 10, 2008

Very blonde for me, but Skip kind of likes a little bit of high lights on me. It has been awhile. Look at the faces of my kids. This was Seth's normal attitude, and sometimes still is. Annie was so blonde compared to now. So cute. Ashley is doing a the Popeye look.
Thankful Thursday

Apr 8, 2008
Another Prayer Update
*Skip is doing some traveling today and will be home late tonight(lots of driving) so I would love prayers for safe travel.
*Our inspection on the house we are looking to buy went well, and we are awaiting the loan process. Hopefully all will go well with a great rate. We have never owned two homes at the same time so I'm praying all goes smoothly and we can all be together as a family very soon. I don't sleep well with Skip gone. It may be that my Annie Beth is a restless sleeper and tends to kick a little too much. I know she should sleep in her own bed, but I hate to sleep alone when Skip is gone and it is such a treat for her.
*My sis and my nephew are in Utah filming HSM3 right now. I pray for Matt to do an awesome job and have the time of his life living his dream. I also pray for Tony(my sis's husband) and Steph(their daughter) for the time they have to be apart during the filming. May God watch over all of this precious family.
Update on My Popi
Apr 7, 2008
So Sad, So Tragic, Yet So Wonderful to be With our Lord
Prayer Request
Getting in Touch with my Inner Teen
I really want to understand my teen as she matures, and to encourage her likes and dislikes. However I do draw the line on putting up Jonas Brothers posters in my room although Ashley would love them all over the house. She is a tad obsessed! I was the exact way with Simon and John from Duran Duran when I was a teen. Actually, that obsession still carries on just a tad. Just kidding.....kind of. Not that I've even thought about them in the last 20 years or so. See this post here.
If Ashley is already falling for musicians, she may have something in common with her mama who happened to marry this hot rock star. Here are pics of Skip in the late 80's and early 90's.

Apr 5, 2008
My Saturday
Husband out of town-sad
Kids bored and arguing-driving me nuts
Mother-in-law and father-in-law calling to see if they can pick up the kids for several hours for some fun-ABSOLUTE HEAVEN!!!
Apr 2, 2008
Not Another House Post!
On a side note, I just picked up Lisa Terkeurst's "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" and I absolutely love it so far. I kind of want to wait and do it as a bible study, but I don't think I'll be able to put it down for long.
Precious Friends
One of the them is Kay, and she is the full of wisdom friend. She has been in ministry for years and years and was actually the senior pastors wife of the church we went to when Skip was saved and began volunteering in music ministry over 15 yrs. ago. She has the most loving spirit, and there has never been a time that she hasn't wrapped her arms around me for a big hug when she sees me. She gets along with everyone, and loves everyone. Her husband Kim is completely amazing too! He has often been called "The Bible Expert" and he IS just that. What a bright man, and also so full of a desire to grow others in the Lord!
Next is Angi. This girl has taught me incredible things about homeschooling and faith. She is SO smart, and the most comfortable mom of 5 I've ever seen. Every time I think of her, I think of Proverbs 31:28. I even bought her a bookmark with that verse. Her husband is one of the most shepharding pastors I've ever met. He is always smiling and making people laugh. He was Clarence in this year's "It's a Wonderful Life" at Christmas, and he stole the show.
Last, but certainly not least, is my dear, sweet Mollie. She is just my precious friend who has encouraged, cried and laughed with me over the last year. I can't imagine this time in Victoria without her. Since our husbands are best friends, it makes it an extra special friendship. I know we will continue to stay close, and I am so glad for the time I did have with this very beautiful friend. This morning I found this post that her husband Bard wrote and it brought tears to my eyes. He understands Skip so well and I guess he would since they met when Skip was only 6. I didn't meet Skip until I was 15, so Bard fills me in on the younger years.
I am going to miss these wonderful friends so much, but I am so thankful for the times we did have together. They are all such amazing, godly people and I pray only the best for their years to come. I hope if you are reading this and you go to Parkway, you will show them all the love you can. They are 100% servants of the Lord, and I respect and honor them so much.